There are various perspectives as
to the potential of social media in various categories from business to education
to lifestyle. Imagine a world where marketers are able to directly target
consumer market segments with specifically designated products by utilizing
data collected over a social network from user’s online activities. Data collected
by what content you browse, what groups or organizations you are apart of
online, and by what networks of people you associate with, this has endless
possibilities for application. For the education sector, social media can be
applied to create a virtual classroom where your classmates are grouped into
networks by different courses. Integrated access to class materials,
auto-generated applicable real-time content from other sources and a focus on
collaboration will be factors of success in the classroom of the future.
Furthermore, lifestyle changes will also be inevitable. Aspects such as
creating a career path may be entirely done in an online medium as employers
innovate the hiring process to taking advantage of the scope of access granted
by social networks (with sites such as LinkedIn having a network of 135 million
members making it the largest professional network in the world).
I believe the potential and the
benefits of the eventual evolution of social media has the potential to cause a
major shift in our society, hopefully for the better.